
LATELY | 01.13.21 by Karl Magnuson


Well. This year didn’t take long to resemble last year. As someone who lives in Washington DC, I’m extra disheartened about the violence and insurrection at the US Capitol. I’m glad it seems most people see this as a bad thing (from what I can tell). I found this article helpful as far as articulating what I see as the Christian perspective on the situation.


Last week I dropped a New Year playlist (Spotify | Apple Music) which, personally, I really love. This week I’m dreaming of international travel with a “Postcards From Far Away” inspired playlist. With everything going on, I just decided to make it myself this time. Each song title is just a single word representing a city or place.

LATELY | 12.22.20 by Karl Magnuson


As we near the close of the Advent season and approach Christmas, the idea of anticipation is on my mind. I’d like to expound on Advent as a concept and something to observe more fully another time, but for now, it feels appropriate to consider “anticipation”. Immediately I think of the excitement of Christmas presents as a kid. We often opened our presents on Christmas Eve because of travel to see family on Christmas Day. Now I anticipate getting to give presents as much as I do receiving them. I am sure we are all anticipating a fresh start on 1/1/2021, hoping we are afforded a clean break from a rough year. Merry Christmas to all of you, I genuinely hope you find peace and joy in the midst of pain and struggle.

Oh, and here’s a digital version of our family Christmas card this year!

2020 Card Back.jpg



Every year I aim to read one biography on a US president (I’ve done Washington, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and JFK). This year I’m starting late and blitzing John Adams. So far, so good. Adams is an interesting character of the Revolutionary period, and McCullough paints him as unique among his contemporaries. It’ll be work to finish this one before 1/1/2021!

Run With The Horses / EUGENE PETERSON

This is the first book I intend on starting in the new year, but if I finish John Adams I may start it sooner. I have found Peterson’s writing to be so pastoral and comforting and piercing, and I expect this to be the same.

30 Poems To Memorize / DAVID KERN

My only hesitation with books like this is they are applicable to me and I regret that so much of my literary knowledge is still rudimentary. Some of these (so far) I know, some I don’t. But I’m very much benefiting from the selection and analysis / reflections.


As I am with family in Arizona for the foreseeable future it seemed appropriate to pick up this “Field Guide” (not to be confused with Field Notes) to spark some ideas and maybe help chart out a brief socially distanced trip or two?


I combined last week’s playlist with this week (Classic Christmas songs) to make a 2020 Christmas playlist you can put on shuffle and enjoy (only until December 26th of course, so get listening!)

LATELY | 12.12.20 by Karl Magnuson


This is the first in a series of posts recounting what I’m up to / interested in / reading / listening to / inspired by etc. It may vary post to post and I don’t promise any regularity to any of it, but at the very least it is a snapshot archive for my own historical purposes. Any feedback / engagement is definitely welcome! As of the writing of this post, I have just finished extensive reworking of my website and am shopping for Christmas presents. I’d post my recommendations for Christmas gift ideas but I bought most of them for family members and on the off chance they read this I don’t want to tip them off!



In a word: engaging

I read this book quickly and enjoyed it, but if you haven’t read the author’s “Station Eleven”, I’d check it out first.

The Color of Compromise / JEMAR TISBY

In a word: sobering

This book is a must read for Christians especially, and I learned a lot about the history and struggle for racial justice. Christians, based on traditional Christian beliefs, should be the first people to fight against injustice. Sadly, the history this book recounts shows much the opposite in many cases.


In a word: solid

If you watched the show Star Wars Rebels *which you absolutely should* you’ll enjoy this book.


The Warmth of Other Suns / ISABEL WILKERSON

I’ve always learned best through reading, so as matters of race and reconciliation have been at the top of attention this year, I’ve been trying to read to fill out my knowledge and understanding. I just started this book about “the decades-long migration of black citizens who fled the South for northern and western cities, in search of a better life.”

Note: I am trying to read one book like this every month in 2021 if you are interested in reading along! Let me know!

Waiting Here For You / LOUIE GIGLIO

I try to read a devotional around advent every year - I love the concept and focus of advent and hope and anticipation. This book is simple and short.


I usually have a Star Wars paperback novel in my current reading rotation.


Since March 2020 I have been creating a crowdsourced weekly playlist, usually around a song idea or theme. This week and next week are Christmas playlists, and I am just putting the finishing touches on this one. Below are embeds for the Apple Music and the Spotify versions of the playlists so you can add them / check them out!